Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Explaining Attitudes As Dependent Variable Education Essay

3.0 IntroductionThere are 12 subdivisions in this chapter. The first subdivision is an overview of the chapter. The 2nd subdivision discusses related theories used in this survey. Next, discusses variables and hypothesis used in this survey. The forth subdivision concentrating on Research Model and follow by population and samples used in this survey. Section six in this chapter explain the instrument used and section seven of this chapter explain briefly the measuring points used. Following subdivision discourse how the information aggregation done and follow by pilot survey and the dependability trial consequence for the pilot survey. Section eleven discuss about the information analysis and near by the sum-up of the chapter.3.1 Related TheoryIn explicating attitudes as dependent variable ( DV ) , this subdivision will discourse Diffusion of Innovation ( Rogers, 1995 ) and Technology Acceptance Model ( Davis et al, 1989 ) . For the independent variable ( IV ) , this subdivision pre sents sensed usefulness, sensed easiness of usage and external factors that comprise learning manners, web log competency and instructors ‘ demographic ( i.e. gender, twelvemonth of learning experience and instruction degree ) .3.1.1 Diffusion of Innovation Model ( DOI )Harmonizing to Rogers ( 1995 ) , a individual attitude towards a new engineering is a cardinal component in its diffusion. Rogers Innovation Decision Process theory provinces that inventions diffusion is a procedure that occurs overtime through five phases ( Figure 3.1 ) : Knowledge – the individual becomes cognizant of an invention and has some thought of how it functions. Persuasion – the individual forms a favorable or unfavorable attitude towards the invention. Decision – the individual engages in activities that lead to a pick to follow or reject the invention. Implementation – the individual puts an invention into usage. Confirmation – the individual evaluates the consequences of an innovation-decision already made.A Diffusion_of_Innovations_Theory-1.png Figure 3.1: Diffusion of Innovation Model ( Rogers, 1995 ) As Rogers ( 1995 ) had stated that instructors positive attitudes exhibit their induction into the innovation-decision procedure, this theory appears relevant for usage in survey instructors ‘ attitudes towards web log usage in learning. Teachers may hold already gone through the Knowledge and Persuasion phases ( Rogers, 1995 ) . They likely proceed to the Decision stage with the usage of web log in learning. Theorists have indicated, attitudes can frequently announce future decision-making behavior ( Ajzen & A ; Fishbein, 1980 ) . Zimbardo and Leippe ( 1991 ) defined attitude as an rating temperament toward some object based on knowledges, affectional responses, behaviors, and behavioral purposes. Harmonizing to Albirini ( 2004 ) and Chao ( 2005 ) , attitude is an informed sensitivity to react and consist three concept: Affectional – TheA affectiveA constituent of attitude is said to dwell of a individual ‘s rating of, wishing of, or emotional response to some state of affairs, object, or individual. Affectional responses reflect one ‘s attitude with esthesiss of pleasance, unhappiness, or other degrees of physical rousing. Cognitive – TheA cognitiveA constituent of an attitude is conceptualized as a individual ‘s factual cognition of the state of affairs, object, or individual, including oneself. In other words, the cognitive constituent refers to how much a individual knows about a subject, such as computing machines. Behavioural – TheA behaviouralA constituent of an attitude involves the individual ‘s open behavior directed toward a state of affairs, object, or individual. Therefore, this survey considered the three concepts of attitudes. Based on past researches, the Technology Acceptance Model ( TAM ) by Davis et Al. ( 1989 ) has widely used to look into users attitudes towards new engineering. Davis et Al. ( 1989 ) stressed that attitude of a user towards a system was a major determiner of whether the user will really utilize or reject the system. The following subdivision discusses the Technology Acceptance Model.3.1.2 Technology Acceptance Model ( TAM )Harmonizing to Davis et Al. ( 1989 ) , user attitude is influenced by two major beliefs: perceived usefulness and sensed easiness of usage, with sensed easiness of usage holding a direct influence on sensed utility. Finally, both these beliefs were suggested were straight influence by the system design features represented by external variables ( Figure 3.2 ) . External Variables Perceived Usefulness Perceived Ease of Use Attitude towards Behaviour Behavioral Intention to Use Actual System Use Figure 3.2: Technology Acceptance Model ( Davis et al. , 1989 ) External variables typically include system features, user preparation, user engagement in design, and the nature of the execution procedure ( Venkatesh & A ; Davis, 1996 ) . As this research focuses on instructors and instruction, the external variables refer to learning manners, web log competency, and instructors ‘ feature which comprise gender, old ages of learning experience and degree of instruction.3.1.3 External Factors3.1.3.1 Teaching Manners As cited by Salem ( 2001 ) , learning manners refer to the processs or procedures adopted and employed by the instructor in order to accomplish the daily aims of the lesson. They are besides the conglobations of one ‘s positions, strong beliefs, and attacks on the attainment of maximal consequences in the teaching-learning procedure. Teaching manners are personal properties of a instructor and vary from one instructor to another. Harmonizing to Kaplan and Kies ( 1995 ) , learning manners refers to â€Å" a instructor ‘s personal behavior and media used to convey informations to or have it from the scholar † and involves the execution of the instructor ‘s doctrine about instruction ( Conti, 2004 ) . Teaching manners were classified in different ways. Salem ( 2001 ) classified learning manners as ocular, audile, group, kinesthetic, single and tactile. Ocular instruction manner – The instructor presents the lesson through images, studies, diagrams, graphs, or other related illustrations. Auditory learning manner – The instructor lectures or gives unwritten accounts most of the clip. Group learning manner – The instructor adopts group interaction and group treatment techniques in the learning the lessons. Kinesthetic instruction manner – The instructor engages the pupils in physical motions as they learn the topic. Individual instruction manner – The instructor requires single recitations, single undertakings, assignments, etc. Tactile learning manner – The instructor adopts â€Å" hands-on † activities. While Salem ( 2001 ) offered six instruction manners, Heimlich ( 1990 ) suggested learning manners into four spheres ; Expert, Provider, Facilitator and Enabler. Teacher with an â€Å" expert † preferred manner are capable oriented and seek efficiency in information sharing chiefly through talk. The â€Å" supplier † instructors are learner-cantered and desire effectivity in learning. Methods built-in to their manner of learning include group treatment, presentation and guided activities. The â€Å" facilitator † instructors are teacher-cantered and the methods of direction depend on capable content ; more than on the scholars. The â€Å" enabler † manner of instruction is really learner-cantered in that the scholars define both the activity and the procedure in the acquisition environment. Cano et Al. ( 1992 ) , Raven et Al. ( 1993 ) and Whittington and Raven ( 1995 ) used Heimlich ( 1990 ) definition and point used to determine the topics ‘ preferred instruction manner. This instrument defines two spheres, sensitiveness ( ability of the instructor to ‘sense ‘ the shared features of the group of scholars ) and inclusion ( teacher ‘s willingness and ability to use techniques to heighten the larning experience based on the groups ‘ features ) . The low inclusion and low sensitiveness quarter-circle is labelled â€Å" expert. † A instructor who scores in the low inclusion and high sensitiveness quarter-circle is labelled the â€Å" supplier. † The high inclusions and low sensitiveness quarter-circle is labelled â€Å" facilitator. † The concluding dimension is the high inclusion and high sensitiveness quarter-circle and instructors with this manner are labelled â€Å" enabler. † Compared to others definition, Grasha ( 1996 ) is the 1 that popular among recent research workers ( Dugas, 2005 ; Kiong, 2006 ; Norzila et al. , 2007 ; Vaughn and Baker, 2008 ; Zamri et al. , 2009 ; Ahmad and Panai, 2010 ; and Kassaian and Ayatollahi, 2010 ) . Grasha ( 1994 ) place five instruction manners ; Expert, Formal Authority, Personal Model, Facilitator and Delegator. Expert – Possess cognition and expertness that pupil demand. Strive to keep position as an expert among pupils by exposing elaborate cognition and by disputing pupils to heighten their competency. Concerned with conveying information and insuring that pupils are good prepared. Formal Authority – Possesses position among pupils because of cognition and function as a module member. Concerned with supplying positive and negative feedback, set uping learning ends, outlooks, and regulations of behavior for pupils. Concerned with the correct, acceptable and standard ways to make things and with supplying pupils with the construction they need to larn. Personal Model – Beliefs in â€Å" instruction by personal illustration † and established a paradigm for how to believe and act. Oversees, ushers, and directs by demoing how to make things, and encouraging pupils to detect and so to emulate the teacher ‘s attack. Facilitator – Emphasized the personal nature of teacher-student interactions. Guides and directs pupils by inquiring inquiries, researching options, proposing options and promoting them to develop standards to do informed picks. Overall end is to develop in pupils the capacity for the independent action, enterprise, and duty. Work with pupils on undertakings in a advisory manner and attempts to supply every bit much as support and encouragement as possible. Delegator – Concerned with developing pupils capacity of map in a independent manner. Students work independently on undertakings or as portion of independent squads. The instructor is available at the petition of pupils as a resource individual. Table 3.1 Summary of Teaching Style ModelModelCategorized of Teaching StylesWriterHeimlich ( 1990 ) Expert Supplier Facilitator Enabler Cano et al. , 1992 ; Raven et al. , 1993 ; Whittington and Raven, 1995 Grasha ( 1996 ) Expert Formal Authority Personal Model Facilitator Delegator Dugas, 2005 ; Kiong, 2006 ; Norzila et al. , 2007 ; Vaughn and Baker, 2008 ; Zamri et al. , 2009 ; Ahmad and Panai, 2010 ; and Kassaian and Ayatollahi, 2010 ) Salem ( 2001 ) Ocular Auditory Group Kinesthetic Individual Tactile Salem ( 2001 ) , Soliven ( 2003 ) Blog Competence Previous research suggests that instructors ‘ attitudes towards engineerings are besides related to instructors ‘ engineering competency. In their survey of the correlativity between instructors ‘ attitude and credence of engineering, Francis-Pelton and Pelton ( 1996 ) found that although many instructors believe computing machines are an of import constituent of a pupil ‘s instruction, their deficiency of cognition and experience lead to a deficiency of assurance to try to present them into their direction. Previous research has pointed to instructors deficiency of computing machine competency as a chief barrier to their credence and acceptance of ICT in developing states ( Al-Oteawi, 2002 ; Na, 1993 ; Pelgrum, 2001 ) . Albirini ( 2004 ) supported and widen the findings from old research. The bulk of respondents reported holding small or no competency in managing most of the computing machine maps needed by pedagogues. This determination did non supported the premise that instructors with low degree of computing machine competency normally have negative attitudes toward computing machines ( Summers, 1990 ) . On the other manus, Albirini ( 2004 ) found that computing machine competency was significantly related to instructors attitudes supports the theoretical and empirical statements made for the importance of computing machine competency in finding instructors attitudes toward ICT ( Al-Oteawi, 2002 ; Berner, 2003 ; Bulkeley, 1993 ; Na, 1993 ) . In add-on, the relationship between computing machine attitudes and competency suggests that higher computing machine competency may further the already positive attitudes of instructors and finally ensue in their usage of computing machines within the schoolroom. In this survey, web log competency mean by web log cognition and blogging accomplishments. Teacher ‘s Demographics Besides Teaching Styles and Blog Competence as the external factors in this research, instructors ‘ demographics besides interested to research. Teachers ‘ demographics comprise gender, instructors ‘ instruction experiences and instruction degree. Gender: There are turning concerns about the low engagement of adult females in information engineering related callings ( Green, 1996 ; Idowu, Adagunodo & A ; Popoola, 2003 ) . Surveies have repeatedly found gender differences in attitudes towards IT. For case, Venkatesh and Morris ( 2000 ) and Drup ( 2004 ) found that males had more positive attitudes towards the usage of computing machines than females. Others such as Ray, Sormunen and Harris ( 1999 ) found the contrary to be the instance. However, in contrast to both sides, research workers such as Busch ( 1995 ) , Idowu ( 1997 ) , Asan ( 2000 ) , and Tiamiyu, Ajayi and Olatokun ( 2002 ) found no important relationship between gender and attitudes towards IT. Teaching Experiences: Surveies have shown that people who have used IT for some clip exhibit more positive attitudes towards IT ( Christensen, 1997 ; Gilmore, 1998 ) . Igbaria and Chakrabarti ( 1990 ) besides found that computing machine experience significantly affected attitudes toward computing machines. Christensen ( 1997 ) observed that with acquaintance, anxiousnesss and frights tend to diminish and assurance additions, and that people with anterior positive experience tend to be more willing to follow a engineering than those who have had either a anterior negative experience or no experience at all. In this survey, the research workers focus on learning experiences. Education Degree: Most of the instructors in Secondary Schools in Malaysia are in degree degree. Merely a few of them merely keep Diploma and Masters even Doctorate. Hamdan ( 2007 ) investigated the attitudes towards e-learning found that there are important difference in educational degree towards e-learning.3.2 VARIABLES AND HYPOTHESIS3.2.1 AttitudeRefering the significance of attitudes, different research workers gave different but somehow related definitions of the word. Aiken ( 1980 ) described attitudes as â€Å" erudite sensitivities to react positively or negatively to certain objects, state of affairss, constructs, or individuals † . Besides that, other research workers used psychological concepts to explicate attitudes. Loyd and Gressard ( 1984 ) , for illustration, divided the concept ‘attitudes ‘ into four different variables, which are: ( I ) computing machine liking ; ( two ) computing machine anxiousness ; ( three ) computing machine assurance, and: ( four ) perceived utility of the computing machine. There are research workers who seemed to be satisfied with Loyd and Gressard ‘s definition, like Koohang ( 1989 ) and Necessary and Parish ( 1996 ) . Furthermore, Zimbardo and Leippe ( 1991 ) defined attitude as an rating temperament toward some object based on knowledges, affectional responses, behaviors, and behavioral purposes. Likewise, Chao ( 2005 ) and Albirini ( 2006 ) defines attitude as an informed sensitivity to react and consist three concept, affectional, knowledge and behavioral. Besides that, Agbonlahor ( 2008 ) defined that attitude towards utilizing computing machines in instruction is a perceptual experience of the value of the usage of computing machines for his/her ain productiveness, every bit good as for the benefit of his/her pupils. Therefore, in this peculiar survey, attitude towards web log usage in instruction is a perceptual experience of the value of the usage of web log for his/her ain productiveness, every bit good as for the benefit of his/her pupils. Attitudes in this survey besides concept with affectional, cognitive and behavioral ( Zimbardo and Leippe, 1991 ; Chao, 2005 ; and Albirini, 2006 ; Agbonlahor, 2008. Several information systems surveies have identified attitude as one of the strongest factors act uponing successful IT usage in any administration ( Christensen, 1997 ; Agarwal & A ; Prasad, 1998 ; Gilmore, 1998 ) . Furthermore, research workers have found that although technological and fiscal barriers are rather important in the procedures of incorporating IT into instruction, pedagogues ‘ attitudes is even more so ( Gilmore, 1998 ) . Attitudes have been found to impact perceptual experiences, and therefore, rates of acceptance and extent of use of IT ( Agarwal & A ; Prasad, 1998 ; Pajo, 2000 ) . Albirini ( 2006 ) investigated the attitudes of high school instructors in Syrian toward ICT and found that participants had positive attitudes toward ICT in instruction. The respondents ‘ positive attitudes were apparent within the affectional, cognitive and behavioral spheres. The determination of research was similar with those of Hong and Koh ( 2002 ) , Psillosb et Al. ( 2003 ) , Shapka and Ferrari ( 2003 ) , Teo et Al. ( 2008 ) , Agbonlahor ( 2008 ) , Chen ( 2008 ) and Tezci ( 2009 ) .3.2.2 Perceived UsefulnessDavis ( 1985 ) defined sensed utility as the grade to which an person believes that utilizing a peculiar system would heighten his or her occupation public presentation. Perceived Usefulness is proposed to hold a direct impact on instructors ‘ attitude towards utilizing web log in instruction because instructors will be more positive to utilize system if it can give benefits to them. The sensed utility of computing machines can act upon attitudes toward computing machines, and the sum of assurance a instructor possesses in utilizing computing machines may act upon his or her execution in the schoolroom ( Gressard & A ; Loyd, 1985 ) . Teo et Al. ( 2007 ) found that pre-service instructors ‘ Perceived Usefulness was important in finding computing machine attitudes. This determination contributes to old research ( Legris et al. 2003 ; Huang & A ; Liaw 2005 ; Pituch & A ; Lee 2006 ) that found Perceived Usefulness to be a cardinal determiner on computing machine attitudes. If pupils perceived the utility of computing machine and experience confident in utilizing it, this will take to more positive attitudes ( Noiwan, Piyawat, & A ; Norcio, 2005 ) . Tg. Faekah et Al. ( 2008 ) found that perceived utility besides showed strong correlativities with attitude, analogue to old surveies by Garland and Noyes ( 2004 ) , Gao ( 2005 ) , Havelka ( 2004 ) , Hunt and Bohlin ( 1993 ) , McGrath and Thurston ( 1992 ) , McInerney, McInerney and Sinclair ( 1990 ) , Mitra and Steffensmeier ( 2000 ) , Teo ( 2006 ) and Yaghi ( 1997 ) . Student attitude toward computing machines is besides linked with how utile they think the computing machine is and the sum of experience they have in utilizing computing machines. Therefore, it is hypothesized: H1: A instructors ‘ Perceived Usefulness of web log in learning affects his/her attitude towards utilizing web log in instruction.3.2.3 Perceived Ease of UseDavis ( 1985 ) defined sensed easiness of usage as the grade to which an person believes that utilizing a peculiar system would be free of physical and mental attempt. Teo et Al. ( 2007 ) besides found that pre-service instructors ‘ Perceived Ease of Use had important effects on computing machine attitudes. The important relationship between Perceived Ease of Use and computing machine attitudes is a logical one and supports current research that positive computing machine attitude are associated with Perceived Ease of Use. Sime and Priestley ( 2005 ) found that pre-service instructors ‘ attitudes towards the usage of an ICT tool were influenced by how easy it was to utilize the tool and that they were loath to utilize a tool that seemed hard to utilize. Therefore, it is hypothesized: H2: A instructors ‘ Perceived Ease of Use of web log in learning affects his/her attitude towards utilizing web log in instruction.3.2.4 Blog CompetenceA big figure of surveies showed that instructors ‘ computing machine competency is a important forecaster of their attitudes toward computing machines ( Berner, 2003 ; Na, 1993 ; Summers, 1990 ; Albirini, 2006 ) . Summers ( 1990 ) found that instructors with low degree of computing machine competency normally have negative attitudes toward computing machines. On the other manus, the fact that computing machine competency was significantly related to instructors ‘ attitudes supports the theoretical and empirical statements made for the importance of computing machine competency in finding instructors ‘ attitudes toward ICT ( Al-Oteawi, 2002 ; Berner, 2003 ; Na, 1993 ; Albirini, 2006, Zhou et al. , 2010 ) . In add-on, the relationship between computing machine attitudes and competency suggests that higher computing machine competency may further the already positive attitudes of instructors and finally ensue in their usage of computing machines within the schoolroom. Therefore, it is hypothesized: H3: There is a important and positively relationship between instructors ‘ web log competency and their attitudes towards web log usage in learning3.2.5 Teaching StyleThis survey follow definition by Salem ( 2001 ) that refer learning manners to the processs or procedures adopted and employed by the instructor in order to accomplish the daily aims of the lesson. Grasha ‘s Model ( 1994 ) was used in this survey. Kiong ( 2006 ) found that the instruction manners of the lectors who teach portion clip instruction programme are more on facilitator, expert and delegator manner. Norliza et Al. ( 2007 ) showed that the three most dominant instruction manners of the lectors perceived by the pupils were Expert, Personal Model and Delegator. It was besides found that the pupils ‘ most preferable instruction manner was Facilitator. Zamri et Al. ( 2009 ) showed that the three instruction manners often used by lector were the personal theoretical account, facilitator and the delegator manner. Kassaian and Ayatollahi ( 2010 ) found that Formal Authority, Expert and Delegator were the most dominant instruction manners. A important difference exists in formal authorization and personal theoretical account among the lectors who teach theories based on learning experience and academic subject. However, the differences of learning manners merely occurred among the lectors who teach practical topic in delegator manner based on learning experience. ( Kiong, 2006 ) . However, Zamri et Al. ( 2009 ) found that there were important differences of the instruction manners based on the topics taught for the expert, formal authorization and the personal theoretical account. The survey besides showed that there was a important average difference for learning manners based on instructors experience for the facilitator manner. On the other manus, found that there were no important differences among the lectors who teach practical topic based on academic subject in their instruction manner ( Kiong, 2006 ) and school session and option ( Zamri et al. , 2009 ) . From the old research, it is hypothesized that: H4a: There is important and positively relationship between instructors with adept manner and their attitudes toward web log usage in instruction. H4b: There is important and positively relationship between instructors with formal authorization manner and their attitudes toward web log usage in instruction. H4c: There is important and positively relationship between instructors with personal theoretical account manner and their attitudes toward web log usage in instruction. H4d: There is important and positively relationship between instructors with facilitator manner and their attitudes toward web log usage in instruction. H4e: There is important and positively relationship between instructors with delegator manner and their attitudes toward web log usage in instruction.3.2.6 Teachers ‘ DemographicsSeveral research workers have found that females have more negative attitudes towards computing machine and ICT ( Akkoyunlu & A ; Orhan, 2003 ; Miura, 1987 ; Murpy, Coover & A ; Owen, 1989 ; Uzunboylu, 2004 ; Venkatesh & A ; Davis, 2000 ) . Kubiatko & A ; Halakova ( 2009 ) found that males have more positive attitudes toward ICT than females. Then, Kubiatko et Al. ( 2010 ) revealed the same consequence that males have more positive attitudes towards ICT as compared to females. On the other custodies, Teo ( 2008 ) found that no important differences were found in the survey, both male and females pre-service instructors at all ages were similar in their attitudes towards the computing machine and Cavas et Al. ( 2009 ) on their survey on scientific disciplines instructors in Turkish primary schools besides found that no important different between male and female instructors on a ttitude towards engineering. Experience were another factor that ever selected by research worker to analyze. Computer experience has been the most normally cited variable correlated to positive attitudes ( Dupagne & A ; Krendel, 1992 ; Woodrow, 1992 ; Chou 1997 ; Levine & A ; Donitsa-Schmidt 1998 ; Ropp 1999 ; Yang, Mohamed, & A ; Beyerbach, 1999 ; Winter, Chudoba & A ; Gutek, 1998 ; Smith, Caputi & A ; Rawstorne, 2000 ; YA ±ldA ±rA ±m, 2000 ; Gaudron & A ; Vignoli 2002 ) . For illustration, Woodrow ( 1992 ) reported correlativities between computing machine experience and attitudes toward engineering. Chou ( 1997 ) besides highlighted that computing machine experience influenced teacher attitudes toward computing machines. Ropp ( 1999 ) found that there is important relationship between computing machine entree & A ; hours of computing machine usage per hebdomad and computing machine attitudes. Igbaria and Chakrabarti ( 1990 ) found that computing machine experience significantly affected attitudes towar d computing machines. Christensen ( 1997 ) observed that people with anterior positive experience tend to be more willing to follow a engineering than those who have had either a anterior negative experience or no experience at all. Cavas et Al. ( 2009 ) found that Turkish scientific discipline instructors have positive attitudes toward ICT and it differs sing computing machine experience. In this survey, the research worker focuses on learning experiences. Therefore, it is hypothesized: H5: There is important relationship between the male and female instructors and their attitudes towards web log usage in instruction. H6: There is important relationship between instructors ‘ instruction experiences and their attitudes towards web log usage in instruction. H7: There is no important relationship between instructors ‘ educational degree and their attitude towards web log usage in instruction.3.3 RESEARCH MODELBased on theories adopted from Davis et Al ( 1989 ) , Roger ( 1995 ) , Grasha ( 1994 ) , Chao ( 2-5 ) , figure 3.3 illustrates the research theoretical account of this survey.EXTERNAL FACTORTeaching Manner Expert Formal Authority Personal Model Facilitator Delegator BLOG COMPETENCE Teachers DEMOGRAPHICS Gender Old ages OF Teaching EDUCATION LEVELPERCEIVED USEFULNESSPERCEIVED EASE OF USEATTITUDE TOWARDS BLOG USECognitive Affectional Behavioral H4a, H4b, H4c, H4d, H4e H1 H3, H5, H6, H7 H2 Figure 3.3: Research Model3.4 POPULATION AND SAMPLEThe survey adopted systematic graded sampling. In Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, there are 87 authorities secondary schools. The schools are divided into four zones Keramat, Sentul, Pudu and Bangsar ) . In this survey, the Keramat Zone was chosen. In Keramat Zone, there are 20 secondary schools and selected as the population for this survey. Out of 20 schools, 10 schools were selected as samples with 700 respondents. Table 3.2 shows schools involved in this survey and the figure of respondents involved. Table 3.2 SampleName of SchoolsEstimated Number of Teachers%Distributed%SMK ( P ) Air Panas 80 8.95 62 8.85 SMK Danau Kota 124 13.87 97 13.86 SMK Padang Tembak 110 12.30 86 12.29 SMK Puteri Titiwangsa 90 10.07 70 10.00 SMK Seksyen 5 Wangsa Maju 130 14.54 101 14.43 SMK Seri Titiwangsa 61 6.82 48 6.86 SMK Setapak Indah 76 8.50 60 8.57 SMK Wangsa Maju Seksyen 2 68 7.61 54 7.71 SMK Wangsa Melawati 80 8.95 63 9.00 SMK Zon R1 Wangsa Maju 75 8.39 59 8.43 Entire 894 100 700 1003.5 InstrumentThe primary instrument used in this survey is study questionnaire. In this research, close-ended inquiries were more preferred than open-ended inquiries. All the close-ended inquiries were designed and developed based on old research workers.3.6 MEASUREMENTThere are 72 point in the questionnaire. The questionnaire divided into five chief subdivisions. Section one consist of instructors ‘ demographic, followed by subdivision two with attitudes item that contains affectional, cognitive and behavioral properties. Section three about instructors ‘ web log competency and subdivision four points related to perceived usefulness and easiness of usage and the last subdivisions produce learning manners points. All points in this questionnaire were derived and adopted from anterior research workers to asseverate the dependability and cogency of the informations. A five-likert graduated table was applied in each point of the questionnaire except points in instructor ‘s demographic subdivision. Scale runing from 1 – Strongly Not Agree, 2 – Not Agree, 3 – Natural, 4 – Agree and 5 – Strongly Agree. The questionnaire prepared in multiple linguistic communication, English and Bahasa Melayu.3.6.1 Teacher ‘s DemographicTeacher ‘s demographics are related to respondent ‘s general features. Age and gender are indispensable when covering with the nature of the population being studied. In this research, point such as â€Å" name of school † , â€Å" topics Teach † , â€Å" instruction experiences † , â€Å" learning period/week † , â€Å" highest instruction degree † and â€Å" learning degree † we besides employed in the questionnaire.3.6.2 AttitudesIn this survey, point modified from Albarini ( 2006 ) . Three points developed from affectional sphere ( point 9 – 11 ) , five points from cognitive sphere ( point 12 – 16 ) and three points from behavioral sphere ( point 17 – 19 ) . Table 3.3 show the measurement point in item. A five point Likert graduated table was used to mensurate the responses ramping from 1=srongly disagree to 5=strongly agree. Table 3.3 Measurement of Teachers ‘ Attitude towards Blog Use in TeachingSouth dakotaCalciferolNitrogenASA9. Using web logs for learning does non frighten me at all. 1 2 3 4 5 10. I am glad there are more web logs these yearss used for instruction. 1 2 3 4 5 11. Using web logs for instruction is gratifying. 1 2 3 4 5 12. Using web logs for learning saves clip and attempt. 1 2 3 4 5 13. Students must utilize web logs in all capable affairs. 1 2 3 4 5 14. Web logs would actuate pupils to make more survey. 1 2 3 4 5 15. Web logs are a fast and efficient agencies of acquiring information. 1 2 3 4 5 16. Web logs can heighten pupils ‘ acquisition. 1 2 3 4 5 17. I would instead learn without web logs than utilizing web logs. 1 2 3 4 5 18. If I had the clip, I would larn to make web logs for learning intents. 1 2 3 4 5 19. I would wish to larn more about web logs for usage in instruction. 1 2 3 4 53.6.2 Perceived UsefulnessPerceived utility is defined as â€Å" the grade to which a individual believes that utilizing a peculiar system would heighten his or her occupation public presentation † by Davis ( 1989 ) . Perceives usefulness is one of two dominant concept of TAM to measure user ‘s credence. Item from Davis ( 1989 ) were adapted utilizing five-point Likert graduated table runing from 1=srongly disagree to 5=strongly agree. Table 3.4 Measurement of Perceived Usefulness towards Blog Use in TeachingSouth dakotaCalciferolNitrogenASA24. Using web logs for learning will better my learning public presentation. 1 2 3 4 5 25. Using web logs for learning enhances my effectivity on instruction. 1 2 3 4 5 26. Using web logs for learning improves the quality of instruction. 1 2 3 4 5 27. Overall, I find utilizing web logs utile in my instruction. 1 2 3 4 53.6.3 Perceived Ease of UseDavis ( 1989 ) defined sensed easiness of usage as â€Å" the grade to which a individual believes that utilizing a peculiar system would be free of attempt † . The steps of sensed easiness of usage were comprehensively used by many anterior surveies, for illustrations, Lederer et Al ( 1989 ) modified the steps of sensed easiness of usage that tantrum with the World Wide Web ( WWW ) use. In this survey, the points for sensed easiness of usage were adapted from Davis ( 1989 ) to suit within instructor ‘s attitude toward web log usage in learning. The six points used a five-point Likert graduated table runing from 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree. Table 3.5 Measurement of Perceived Ease of Use towards Blog Use in TeachingSouth dakotaCalciferolNitrogenASA28. Using web logs is easy for me. 1 2 3 4 5 29. I find it easy to acquire web logs to make what I want to make. 1 2 3 4 5 30. Geting information from web log is easy. 1 2 3 4 5 31. My interaction with web logs is clear and apprehensible. 1 2 3 4 5 32. It would be easy for me to go adept at utilizing web logs. 1 2 3 4 5 33. Overall, I find blogs easy to utilize. 1 2 3 4 53.6.4 Teaching StyleThe Grasha-Riechman Teaching Styles Inventory ( GRTSI ) ia a study instrument used to find learning manner. The GRTSI uses a study instrument with 40 points, and uses a five-point Likert graduated table for each. Each type of learning manner contributes eight points each. All points were assorted up to avoid prejudice. Table 3.6 Item Distribution of Teaching Style towards Blog Use in TeachingTeaching MannerNo. of ItemsExpert 34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 64, 69 Formal Authority 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 Personal Model 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, 71 Facilitator 37, 42, 47, 52, 57, 62, 67, 72 Delegator 38, 43, 48, 53, 58, 63, 68, 73 Table 3.7 Measurement of Teaching Style towards Blog Use in Teaching Expert South dakota Calciferol Nitrogen A SA 34. Facts, constructs, and rules are the most of import things that pupils should get. 1 2 3 4 5 39. Sharing my cognition and expertness with pupils is really of import to me. 1 2 3 4 5 44. What I have to state about a subject is of import for pupils to get a broader position on the issues in that country. 1 2 3 4 5 49. I want pupils to go forth my category good prepared for farther work in this country. 1 2 3 4 5 54. Lecturing is a important portion of how I teach each of the category Sessionss. 1 2 3 4 5 59. My expertness is typically used to decide dissensions about content issues. 1 2 3 4 5 64. Students might depict me as a â€Å" depot of cognition † who dispenses the fact, rules, and constructs they need. 1 2 3 4 5 69. There is more stuff in my capable than I have clip available to cover it. 1 2 3 4 5 Formal Authority 35. I set high criterions for pupils in my category. 1 2 3 4 5 40. I give pupils negative feedback when their public presentation is unsatisfactory. 1 2 3 4 5 45. Students would depict my criterions and outlooks as slightly rigorous and stiff. 1 2 3 4 5 50. It is my duty to specify what pupils must larn and how they should larn it. 1 2 3 4 5 55. I provide really clear guidelines for how I want undertakings completed in my category. 1 2 3 4 5 60. My category has really specific ends and objectives that I want to carry through. 1 2 3 4 5 65. My outlooks for what I want pupils to make in this category are clearly defined in the course of study. 1 2 3 4 5 70. My criterions and outlooks help pupils develop the subject the demand to larn. 1 2 3 4 5 Table 3.7 ( Continued ) Measurement of Teaching Style towards Blog Use in Teaching Personal ModelSouth dakotaCalciferolNitrogenASA36. What I say and do theoretical accounts allow ways for pupils to believe about issues in the content. 1 2 3 4 5 41. Students are encouraged to emulate the illustration I provided. 1 2 3 4 5 46. I typically show pupils how and what to make in order to get the hang capable content. 1 2 3 4 5 51. Examples from my personal experiences frequently are used to exemplify points about the stuff. 1 2 3 4 5 56. I frequently show pupils how they can utilize assorted rules and constructs. 1 2 3 4 5 61. Students receive frequent verbal and/or written remarks on their public presentation. 1 2 3 4 5 66. Finally, many pupils begin to believe like me about capable content. 1 2 3 4 5 71. Students might depict me as a â€Å" manager † who works closely with person to rectify jobs in how they think and behave. 1 2 3 4 5 Facilitator 37. My instruction ends and methods address a assortment of pupil acquisition manners. 1 2 3 4 5 42. I spend clip consulting with pupils on how to better their work on single and/or group undertakings. 1 2 3 4 5 47. Small group treatments are employed to assist pupils develop their ability to believe critically. 1 2 3 4 5 52. I guide pupils ‘ work on category undertakings by inquiring inquiries, researching options, and proposing alternate ways to make things. 1 2 3 4 5 57. Class activities encourage pupils to take enterprise and duty for their acquisition. 1 2 3 4 5 62. I solicit student advice about how and what to learn in my category. 1 2 3 4 5 67. Students can do picks among activities in order to finish capable demands. 1 2 3 4 5 72. I give pupils a batch of personal support and encouragement to make good in my topic. 1 2 3 4 5 Delegator 38. Students typically work on category undertakings entirely with small supervising from me. 1 2 3 4 5 43. Activities in my category encourage pupils to develop their ain thoughts about content issues. 1 2 3 4 5 48. Students design one or more autonomous acquisition experiences. 1 2 3 4 5 53. Developing the ability of pupils to believe and work independently is an of import end. 1 2 3 4 5 58. Students take duty for learning portion of the category Sessionss. 1 2 3 4 5 63. Students set their ain gait for finishing independent and/or group undertakings. 1 2 3 4 5 68. My attack to instruction is similar to a director of a work group who delegates undertakings and duties to subsidiaries. 1 2 3 4 5 Table 3.7 ( Continued ) Measurement of Teaching Style towards Blog Use in Teaching DelegatorSouth dakotaCalciferolNitrogenASA73. I assume the function of a resource individual who is available to pupils whenever they need aid. 1 2 3 4 53.6.5 Blog CompetenceBlog Competence is to mensurate blog competency among instructors. This points was created by the research worker intentionally for this survey. Five Likert Scale besides applied. 1 – Not Competence, 2 – Less Competence, 3 – Moderate Competence, 4 – Competence and 5 – Very Competence. Table 3.8 Measurement of Blog Competence towards Blog Use in Teaching North carolina LC Megahertz C VC 20. Make a web log to portion my experiences and cognition. 1 2 3 4 5 21. Use a web log to happen information for instruction intents. 1 2 3 4 5 22. Post and answer to remarks in web logs for learning intents. 1 2 3 4 5 23. Update a web log with new information about instruction. 1 2 3 4 53.7 DATA COLLECTIONA missive of permission submitted to Jabatan Pelajaran Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur ( JPWPKL ) to seek a blessing to carry oning a research at selected schools as listed before. After having an blessing missive, researcher conveying it when meet the principal for each schools. Researcher gives brief account about the research. Then, researcher seeks the cooperation of the principals to acquire a list of instructors toA guarantee the figure of instructors. Each questionnaire labelled with a consecutive figure. Every instructor who took the questionnaire will be recorded their consecutive Numberss. ThisA isA intended toA facilitateA the school to retrieveA allA the questionnaires for collection.A Besides, A itA besides makes it easierA for research worker to retrace the instructor if there is an uncomplete questionnaire. Principal appointA aA representativeA fromA the teachersA toA manage theA distributionA and aggregation ofA surveysA andA toA mediateA betweenA teachersA andA research workers. Within one hebdomad, research worker will come back to school to roll up the questionnaires.3.8 PILOT STUDYPilot survey refers to testings of the questionnaire on a little sample of respondents to place and extinguish possible jobs ( Hunt et al. , 1982 ; Parasuram, 1987 ; Malhorta, 2004 ) . 80 participants from SMK Wangsa Melawati participated in the pilot survey. Table 3.9 Pilot Study DistributionEntire DistributedEntire ReturnedFunctionalNot Functional80 74 74 03.9 RELIABILITY PILOT STUDY INSTRUMENT3.9.1 Dependent Variable – AttitudeThe dependability trial was performed utilizing SPSS ( let go of 18 ) for Windows to measure the instruments. Table 3.11 shows the consequence of dependability trial for dependent variables. Overall dependability trial shows that all point involved in this survey were dependable. On the other custodies, the trial shows that one of the behavioral points shows the mark merely 0.544. Researcher decides to take the point and the new mark is 0.855. Table 3.10 Reliability Test for Attitudes InstrumentsInstrumentBeforeAfterNo. of pointCronbach ‘s AlphaNo. of pointCronbach ‘s AlphaAttitude Affect 3 .728 3 .728 Behavioral 3 .544 2 .855 Cognitive 5 .707 5 .707 Overall Attitude 11 .717 10 .7173.9.1 Independent Variable – Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Teaching Style and Blog CompetenceTable 3.8 shows the consequence of dependability trial for independent variables. Blog Competence, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use show high dependability for all points. There is a job with one of the point in Formal Authority that makes the mark really low ( 0.200 ) . Researcher decided to discontinue point no. 4 in Formal Authority and it make the mark alteration to 0.603. Overall mark is 0.903. Table 3.8 summarize the dependability trial for all independent variables. Table 3.12 make a comparing learning manners point from the old research workers. Table 3.11 Reliability Test for Blog Competence, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Teaching Style InstrumentsInstrumentNo. of pointCronbach ‘s AlphaBlog Competence 4 .916 Perceived Usefulness 4 .918 Perceived Ease of Use 6 .816InstrumentBeforeAfterNo. of pointCronbach ‘s AlphaNo. of pointCronbach ‘s AlphaTeaching Manner Expert 8 .645 8 .645 Formal Authority 8 .200 7 .603 Personal Model 8 .713 8 .713 Facilitator 8 .617 8 .617 Delegator 8 .670 8 .670 Table 3.12 Comparison of Reliability Test for Teaching Style InstrumentsTeaching MannerDugas ( 2005 )Zamri et Al. ( 2009 )Pilot StudyNo. of pointCronbach ‘s AlphaNo. of pointCronbach ‘s AlphaNo. of pointCronbach ‘s AlphaExpert8 0.40 8 0.62 8 .645Formal Authority8 0.49 8 0.81 7 .603Personal Model8 0.58 8 0.80 8 .713Facilitator8 0.76 8 0.82 8 .617Delegator8 0.48 8 0.59 8 .670Overall40 0.71 40 Not Reported 39 .9033.10 DATA ANALYSISOnce informations were collected, it must be translated into an appropriate signifier for informations analysis. Harmonizing to De Vaus ( 2002 ) , there are four factors impacting how the informations are traveling to be analysed. They are the figure of variables being examined, the degree of measuring of the variables, descriptive or illative intents and ethical duty. This survey used SPSS ( let go of 18 ) for Windows to analyze the information. A measure by measure informations analysis was conducted to run into the research inquiry and aim of the survey. The process of proving the hypotheses of the survey has besides been taken in the information analysis subdivision. In this survey, there are dogged stairss in carry oning the information analysis ; this includes descriptive analysis, dependability analysis, factor analysis, correlativity analysis and arrested development analysis. Descriptive analysis was used to portray the informations accurately from the variables. It besides provides more information about the distribution of the variables. The frequences, per centum, mean and standard divergence were performed to construe the information. The descriptive analysis includes ‘age ‘ , ‘gender ‘ , ‘years of learning ‘ , ‘highest making ‘ , ‘level of learning ‘ , ‘number of learning period/week ‘ and ‘subject though ‘ . Harmonizing to Hair et Al ( 1998 ) , factor analysis is aimed at analyzing the construction of the correlativities among a big figure of variables by specifying a set of common implicit in dimensions ( factors ) . Furthermore, factor analysis is conducted to find whether the responses to a set of points used to mensurate a peculiar construct can be grouped together to organize an overall index of that construct ( Cramer, 2003 ) . In this survey, there are two set of variables for which factors are analysed. They are a set of independent variables and a set of dependent variables. After executing the factor analyses, the following measure would take to the dependability analysis of the measurings. The Cronbach ‘s alpha is the most widely used step of dependability of the variables ( Hair et al. , 1998 ; Morgan et al. , 2004 ) . Correlation analysis was performed to bespeak both the strength and the way of the relationship between a brace of variables ( Bryman and Cramer, 1994 ) . The variables are considered to be correlated if alterations in the 1 variable are associated with the alterations in the other variables ( Hair et al. , 1998 ) . The Pearson correlativity process is used to happen the relationship between independent variables ; gender, old ages of instruction, degree of instruction, web log competency, perceived easiness of usage, perceived usefulness and teaching manner and dependent variables ; attitudes toward web log utilizations. Finally, arrested development analysis is conducted in this survey to sum up the nature of the relationship between variables and for doing anticipations of likely values of dependent variables ( Bryman and Cramer, 1994 ) . Multiple arrested developments were used to foretell a graduated table of dependent variable from two or more independent variables.3.11 SummaryThe focal point of this chapter is on the development of research model. The survey will utilize a study research method design. The mark respondents for the study research participants would be secondary school instructor in Keramat Zone, Kuala Lumpur. Te extimated figure of trying units is 700. The following chapter presents the determination of the survey.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Guinness Corporate Strategy

Income Segmentation although Guinness don't directly segment its product into different segments, Guinness beers are more expensive to the consumer because they target customers may be willing to pay more for what some pensive to be a distinctive taste – a taste which is more expensive to produce. The Japanese distribution system Distribution channels in Japan are very different from other countries; they are as inefficient as they are complex. The system is characterized by multiple layers of wholesalers who have developed close, personal relationships with other wholesalers, manufacturers, importers, and retailers.Moreover, these intimate relationships often serve as an informal barrier to foreign companies wishing to sell directly to end-users or retailers. Many exporters find retailers/end-users unwilling to disrupt their longstanding, personal relationships with Japanese suppliers even when the foreign company can offer a product of superior or equal quality at a cheaper price. Many Japanese retailers/ end-users are unwilling to make the switch to an â€Å"unreliable† foreign supplier. They fear a lack of commitment on the part of the foreign supplier will lead to problems.They also fear breakdowns in communication. This state of affairs has led many companies' new-to-market exporters to complain of the complexity and lack of transparency of the Japanese system. An encouraging sign is the recent trend towards greater efficiency within the Japanese distribution system, resulting in fewer smaller retailers and wholesalers. Faced with deregulation and changing patterns of consumption, many Japanese companies are modifying marketing and sales strategies to take advantage of these developments.Imports are already benefiting from these trends, as seen in increased sales by Japanese department stores and other mass merchandisers and by a variety of new retailing ventures that match changing Japanese lifestyles. There are also indications that some w holesalers are modernizing and consolidating operations, thus reducing more inefficient elements in the system. However, the process is slow. The characteristics of the distribution system are deeply rooted in the cultural history of Japan. How to Set Up Business in Japan/ Laws & Regulations on Setting Up Business in Japan Section 1.Incorporating Your Business . 1 Types of operation in Japan Foreign companies generally establish a business presence in Japan in one of four modes. 1. 1. 1 Representative office Representative offices are established as locations for carrying out preparatory and supplemental tasks aimed at enabling foreign companies to engage in full-scale business operations in Japan. These offices may conduct market surveys, collect information, purchase goods and implement publicity/advertising efforts, but they are not permitted to engage in sales activities.The establishment of representative offices does not require registration. A representative office cannot ord inarily open bank accounts or lease real estate in its own name, so agreements for such purposes must Instead De Selenga Day ten nana Outlet AT ten Torrent company or representative at the representative office in an individual capacity. 1. 1. 2 Branch office Foreign companies wishing to engage in business operations in Japan must establish a branch office or a subsidiary company. The simplest means for a foreign company to establish a base for business operations in Japan is to set up a branch office.The branch office can begin business operations as soon as an office location is secured, he branch office representative determined, and the necessary information registered. A Japanese branch office is a business location that provides services in Japan decided upon by an organization authorized by the foreign company, and ordinarily is not expected to engage in independent decision making. A branch office does not have its own legal corporate status, but instead is deemed to be enco mpassed within the corporate status of the foreign company.In general, therefore, the foreign company is ultimately responsible for all debts and credits generated by the activities of its Japanese branch office. A Japanese branch office, however, may open bank accounts and lease real estate in its own name. 1. 1. 3 Subsidiary company A foreign company establishing a subsidiary company in Japan must choose to establish the subsidiary company as a Joint-stock corporation (Kabuki's-Aisha (K. K. )), limited liability company (Good-Aisha (LLC)), or similar entity stipulated by Japan's Corporate Law.Both unlimited partnerships (Gomes-Aisha) and limited partnerships (Gosh-Aisha) are granted corporate status under the Corporate Law, but they are rarely chosen in practice because equity participants bear unlimited ether than limited liability. All types of subsidiary companies can be established by completing the required procedures stipulated by law and then registering the corporation. A subsidiary is a separate corporation from the foreign company, so the foreign company will bear the liability of an equity participant stipulated by law for all debts and credits generated by the activities of the subsidiary.Other methods by which a foreign company may invest in Japan using a Japanese corporation but without establishing a subsidiary are by establishing a Joint venture with a Japanese enterprise or investment company, and by equity participation in a Japanese enterprise. 1. 1. 4 Limited liability partnership (ALP) It is also possible to do business by using a Huge Seeking Jaggy Kumara. This type of entity, considered the Japanese version of a limited liability partnership (ALP), is not a corporation, but a partnership formed only by the equity participants, who have limited liability.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Adidas Company Essay Example for Free

Adidas Company Essay ? I think this company using pull marketing. There are several reasons that I think that this company using pull marketing because for their strategy they use performance as central group value, leveraging opportunities across brand portfolio and extending innovation and design leadership. Why they use pull marketing? They use pull marketing because it very easy for customer or users s to access the services of the internet or the web using their web browsers. Their main goal is to lead the supporting goods industry with brands built n a passion for supporting lifestyle. In performance and service, they performed efficiently designed to simplicity of access especially while shopping and buying transaction via internet. Adidas will send us a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of orders. Once we have selected our purchases, delivery charges are automatically calculated and displayed on the check out page. Payment includes all major credit cards, Pay Pal or pay check. Their Customer Services is 24 hours if someone wants to order or to make sure for heir order have been sent by call at this number 1-800-982-9337 Other factor includes personalization; Adidas will request certain personally identifiable information from us on our order form membership and financial information (credit card number, money order or using pay check) for billing purposes and to fill order. Besides, look and feel factor. Based on their homepage, we can glimpse a soccer players or athletic using this shoes to show that their quality, comfort and their stability. On combination of stylish and striking background, I believe that this will attract customer to get into website swiftly. Consist of teenager’s preferences and taste it could be most sensation and favorable website among modern generation today. Last for the factor is security and reliability factor. Adidas seize customer privacy very seriously. All information collected include card credit number will remain within the company and will not be distributed or sold to any third party. To ensure customer hopping experience safe, simple and good secure, Adidas uses the standard ‘Secure Shopping Guarantee’ technology. This encrypts and protects the sensitive details like email address and credit card details. To give more privacy to their customers, they use ‘Privacy Policy to make sure that their customer can choose any product they want to buy without any interruption someone. It also ensures customer browser is being sent to the correct and then checks the data being transferred. It’s approved SSG technology make online purchasing secure and pleasurable. Adidas Company. (2018, Nov 11).

Online class is better than in class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Online class is better than in class - Essay Example One can decide the timing of their sessions and can also have the classes wherever they feel comfortable. With an in class, the timelines are specific, and it is for the learner to fix their schedule to fit the schedule of the school. With an online class, one chooses what is convenient for them. The model also saves on cost especially for the foreign students. Technology has made the world a global village and at the touch of a button, one can access services that would have cost a lot more to acquire. More students are enrolling for classes in the best schools in the world despite them not being in those countries where the schools are located. This is important as it facilitates the dissemination of information and imparting knowledge to a greater number that would otherwise not have afforded it. Studying overseas is expensive in terms of maintenance and transport costs, but with an online course this problem is solved. According to Scott Gibby, in the online class, the students become more knowledgeable (Gibby 174). In the in class, extension of classes is a challenge because most likely one would be interfering with another class. In the online class however, through the agreement of the course instructor and student, the class can be extended for the benefit of the student. The students in an online class take better advantage of the learning tools than students in the in class. In the long run, the students in an online class end up being knowledgeable. In the online class, every student participates actively in class. Critics of this model argue that this mode would affect the performance and esteem of the student. We find that in the in class, there are always students raising their hands to take part in the class discussions. In the online class, every student has to participate in the discussions. Those against the online classes state that forcing a student to take part in a class can be dangerous to their performance. In my opinion, the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Technology Improves Transportations Research Paper

Technology Improves Transportations - Research Paper Example The researcher states that transportation today is one of the most crucial and basic ingredient of all the field of human life, especially of international trade e.g. shipping, agriculture, food industry, construction, traveling, tourism, and number of other business fields, that simply cannot go ahead even a single step without the support of transportation. The safe and secure carrying of passengers, speedy deliverance of products, and preservation of quality of different commodities are most important issues for the success of transportation companies. Due to this reason, users consult reliable companies which utilize the latest modes of transportation and technologies for efficient delivery. The use of latest technologies has introduced new trends in transportation industry and put certain direct implications on different actors associated with this field. These actors include infrastructure (e.g. roads, highways, bridges, railways, subways, tramways, airports, seaports etc), mod es of transportation (e.g. buses, cars, rails, trams, planes, freights etc), and functions pertaining to of transportation industry. Since users keep themselves continuously engage with new innovative services in all facets of life, therefore, by focusing on transportation industry, this research paper describes the development of modern technologies and their ultimate impact on the improvement of different aspects of transportation as well as enhancing easiness in transportation today and increasing it's flow capacity.... But its drawback is that it is much time consuming than other modes of transportations. It is basically the blessing of modern technology which enabled the construction of roads, airports, railways, subways, and trams. Asphalt compactors are used for speedy compaction and finishing of roads. Hydraulic Trucks have the capacity to lift 200 to 250 tons of loads due to having a swing-away lattice jib extension which provides it additional 30’ to 40’ of length. Besides these equipment, excavators, fork lifter, pavers, trenchers, crawler loaders, and some other miscellaneous machinery is used throughout the world to construct and repair the roads and highways in speedy way (Vehicle Valuation Services, Inc). Air transportation is one of the leading services in transportation industry. Heavy constructing technology is operated for the construction and re-carpeting of runways. Auto sweeper transports are being used to prevent the air traffic from Field Object Damages which may p roduce very serious outcomes for planes. The application of advanced crash tenders on airports, for rescue and firefighting services, have increased the transportation safety manifold. FLF Panther, Alvis Salamander, E-1, and MB are some most modern crash tenders presently in use at numbers of airports. Installation of Doppler Radars and Automated Weather Observation Systems, have also increased the safety of aircraft from any environmental effect ( Improvement in Transportation Modes The world had never such huge numbers of transportation modes as today it has. In ancient times, human used to travel on animals. Today, it has automobiles, buses, rails, trams, subways, ships, and aircraft to go from one place to other or to cargo its products anywhere

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communications Assignment 2

Integrated Marketing Communications 2 - Assignment Example First class passengers are served breakfast along with afternoon and evening meals. There is an onboard shop serving a range of alcoholic, cold and hot beverages. The train service has been identified in various industry awards. In the year 2010, it was awarded as Year’s Best Rail Operator at Travel Globe Awards. It is also known as one of the most preferred domestic passenger service in the United Kingdom. The trains are known to be environmental friendly as their carbon dioxide emission is 78% less than average domestic flights and 76 % less than cars (Virgin Trains, 2013b). Integrated Marketing communication Integrated marketing communication has become as a major phenomenon since early 1990s. Corporate and marketing communications are few of the critical persuasive factors used by organizations for market connection (Constantinides, 2006). The objective is to deliver certain perception of products, services and brands to consumers, customers and stakeholders. As a result o f the increasing variety of promotional and communication tools, modern day channels are able to disseminate messages in wide forms. According to Kliatchko (2008), â€Å"integrated marketing communication is audience-driven business process of strategically managing stakeholders, content, channels, and results of brand communication programs.† Marketing communication planning or mix can be characterized in the form of its communication strategies in the market. The various ways through which an organization communicates to its market are advertising, sales promotions, personal selling, direct marketing and public relations (Gronroos, 1994; Ferdous, 2008). Advertising Advertising can be described as a non-personal strategy for mass communication offering great level of command for people responsible for design, manufacturing and delivering of advertising messages (Fill, 2006). This message is transmitted in a particular style and manner which best suits the customer as well as management’s requirements. Regular usage of advertising is critical for creation and maintenance of brand personality, especially when it is integrated with other elements of the mix. It is a dominant form of advertising communication for many firms (Panda, 2003). In any case, advertising needs a carrier so that message can be delivered to the desired receiver (Pelsmacker, 2001). Sales promotions Sales promotion is used for delivering the action plans. Sales promotion and advertising harmonize each other as promotion is short term to generate sales and advertising is for long term awareness and relationship building. Sales promotion is also a non-personal form of marketing communication targeting a smaller audience. The techniques include offering better offers and adding value with the objective of future sales. Various presentation kits such as, catalogues, selling aids and brochures, are used for sales staff. Financial mechanisms such as, promotional pricing and incentive s, are used as a push strategy by companies (Young and Aitken, 2007). Public relations Public relations can describe as relationship management between an organization and its various stakeholders. It is an attempt to establish and preserve shared understanding, good relationships and goodwill with the secondary targets,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cultural Diversity in the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Cultural Diversity in the Media - Essay Example This paper will take on two parts. The first part will reflect on the portrayal of Jews themselves in media representations of them in relation to the Holocaust, focusing on the wounds wracked by that painful chapter in world history and their responses towards it. It will essentially use history to understand emotion and identity. The second part will take on a more contemporary approach and will look at how Israel is being portrayed in the media today, under the current context of the Middle East Conflict between Israel and Palestine. It will essentially argue that not only is history per se important, but it is also important what kind of history, and there is a need to be critical of how history is framed and deployed. History as tool to understand emotion and identity in media Media representations of Jews particularly during the holocaust have always shown the Jews as filled with so much pain and tragedy. And indeed, it is difficult to understand this if one is not imbued with a historical context. To give an example, we turn to the movie â€Å"Forgiving Doctor Mengele†, which was released in 2006. ... There are four main narratives, which are also the crucial and more dramatic points of the piece: Miriam’s death and the start of Eva’s journey; the interview with Dr. Hans Munch, a former Nazi doctor; a meeting in the West Bank with Palestinian teachers; and the destruction of the museum she built in memory of her sister by neo-Nazi hate-criminals. The documentary gives us situated knowledge, a personal experience of the Holocaust and forgiveness, although its links to larger historical and social facts are diffused and fragmented. It can be said, however, that ‘Forgiving Dr. Mengele’ is a classic Holocaust documentary film, in the sense that is meant to instruct through evidence; it poses truth[s] as a moral imperative1. But what is the media representations embedded in the film? And how does history help us understand these? A core idea being forwarded – by way of providing an example of embedded representations -- is the notion of ‘forgiven ess’, its complexity and multiple dimensions. Indeed, it is noticeable how difficult is to portray what exactly is forgiveness in general, and what is the exact meaning of forgiveness for Eva, as in the debate at the Jewish center in Chicago, where she is "grilled" on the meaning of forgiveness and her right to do so, in the wake of those that continue suffering through the trauma of the acts. There is no way that we can understand the poignant meanings of this scene without having an idea of this painful history that the Jews had suffered. Representing history through film or any other media is always fraught with issues. First of all, it is the question of the limits of the language what Hanna Arendt2 calls the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Discussing posters from WWI, WWII and revolutions (Russian) Essay

Discussing posters from WWI, WWII and revolutions (Russian) - Essay Example Thus, fundementally, the presence of social problems don't always ignite a war; it's the inability of the governing body to contain these issues that ignites it. Then again, it will take more fuel for wars to actually begin and sustain itself. This is where propaganda comes in. Looking at the two major wars in history - World War I and World War II, you would find countless of various forms of propaganda urging the people to support these wars. It could take take form of a compelling speech, a passionate hymn or an intruging poster, which will essentially get the people's support or sympathy. When used right, propaganda can be a very powerful fuel that would drive the success of a war or a revolution. Of course, that would depend on which side you're looking at. In the course of history, you would find external wars between countries, and internal wars within a specific region. Different ways and styles of propaganda had been used for these battles. World War I erupted in the year 1914. Years of power struggle and policy conflicts between the world's super powers - The Triple Entente and Triple Alliance powers - led to one of the deadliest conflicts in history. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne by the Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip was the breaking point. This triggered Austro-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia and a whole series of events leading to the spread of conflict worldwide (Marshall, p 1). Looking into the history of World War I, you would find various reasons why it even began. Depending on which side you're studying, you'll find different propaganda's making the other side as the evil enemy. Countries involved in the war used propaganda to raise people's support and morale. Externally, it was also used to gain allies. The involvement of US in World War I is one example of how propaganda worked externally among countries. Initially, the US had made a bold stand to stay out of the war. However, the sleeping super power had been put under pressure by its allies. At the same time, Germany had attacked U.S. naval ships. The tipping point was when the British governement revealed to the U.S. the Zimmerman telegram, which was a proposal of Berlin to Mexico to join the war as Germany's ally against the U.S. All these compounding events led to the participation of America three years after the war started. During the war-torn years, various propaganda materials came out in America to reinforce the decision why the country joined the war in the first place. An independent agency, called Committee on Public Information, was established specifcially to influence public opinion regarding the US intervention in WWI. Since 'propaganda' has such a bad image for the Americans, the committee's leader, George Creel, defined their activities as "not propaganda as the Germans defined it, but propaganda in the true sense of the word, meaning the 'propagation of faith' (Crumm, 19). Under this group, America's most famous illustrators such as James Montgomery Flagg, Joseph Pennell, and Louis D. Fancer had gathered together to create some of WWI's most compelling and influential images. The most popular propaganda poster was of Uncle Sam - personification of US - which encouraged

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Corporate social responsiblity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corporate social responsiblity - Essay Example Discussion Product RED Product Red is a cooperative effort of several iconic or popular brands with musician Bono (of the band U2). It was â€Å"created to raise awareness and money for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria [†¦through] RED-branded products,† (quoted from Ponte, Rickey and Baab, 301). It was launched in Davos in 2006. The various brands include American Express, Apple, Converse, Gap, Emporio Armani, Hallmark and Motorola. A certain percentage of the gross sales in said RED products go to the Global Fund. Red has been used by corporations to sell products or portray themselves as â€Å"caring and cool† and a marketing tool linked with corporate social responsibility (4). Ponte et al has added that â€Å"RED engages corporations in profitable ‘helping’ while simultaneously pushing the agenda of CSR towards solving the problems of ‘distant others’† (302). The Ten-Point Plan Bendell and Kleanthous (42) provided the ten point plan in corporate social responsibility as follows: 1. Understanding the brand 2. Understanding the consumer 3. Getting the company in order 4. Handling the program with care 5. Innovation 6. Motivation 7. Collaboration 8. Communication 9. Activate Consumers 10. Measure, monitor and report progress. The various ways and means that RED products can employ the Ten Point plan is as follows: 1. In understanding the brand, Bendell and Kleanthous (42) suggested that a brand perception audit be conducted. For the brands under RED, perception is generally positive due to established reputation and brand awareness. The existing knowledge about these brands serves as the â€Å"true personality.† But aside from the current image, these brands should encompass tradition and creatively explore how the brands affect the environment and society. In employing CSR through Product RED, these companies provided an extension of their already established brands which employ s the model of reputation games (Sacconi, 4). These companies have employed self-regulation as a long-run strategy in implementing social contract (Sacconi, 5), and Product RED is but an addition to their multiple marketing programs aside of course from the complementary â€Å"brand† weight the founder Bono provides. 2. Consumer awareness is a basic engagement of firms to continuously maintain competitiveness. Aside from demographic data, many firms today explore the psyche and attitudes of consumers to provide them fitting products that address needs and expectations (Szmigin, 3). In the introduction of CSR employing sustainability, Product RED offers customers a chance to meet ethical lifestyles through consumption of the products. The website of Product RED provides a calculator for users to determine the CSR impact of buying a certain product so that with a click, they are informed of how many anti-retroviral pills were contributed through purchase of a RED t-shirt. 3. Be ndell and Kleanthous (42) suggest that the firm should employ all ethical and sustainable means in their system from product development, company operations, to distribution and marketing in a properly audited and monitored process. They propose an â€Å"

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Story of an Hour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Story of an Hour - Essay Example She recollects her married life, the good and the bad experiences of it! She screams, â€Å"Free, free, free.† This is, however, no indication that she does not love her husband. But the inevitable has happened. The death of her husband is a reality and he is gone for ever, never to return! She decides to live a new life and is willing to accept the changed patterns. She is quite emotional, comes down the stairs, only to see her husband return alive, hale and hearty. She is greatly shocked and suffers a heart attack that ends her life. An element of suspense is the hallmark of the plot of the story. The reader never expects that Mallard’s husband will return alive, whereas she had readied to charter her life in the absence of her husband. The plot is so constructed, the author leaves it to the judgment of the reader whether she is happy or not in her married life. When, the husband returns alive, she is not ready to face the situation, this shock is too strong for her, as is the shock when the news of the accidental death of her husband is revealed to her. The story pertains to the late 19th century, when male-dominated society prevailed. The life of a woman was confined to the four walls of the house, cook, bear and rear children. Women had no right to vote in the general elections. They were hired for menial jobs on payment on a lower scale as compared to men. Mallad’s husband dominated her. â€Å"Chopin deals with the issues of female self-discovery and identity in this story. After Mrs. Mallard learns of her husbands death, she is initially overcome with grief. But quickly she begins to feel a previously unknown sense of freedom and relief.† (The Story†¦.)The new-found awakening startles her—is it good or bad? Is it morally correct? She is possessed with her feelings. She is inclined to abandon her former self in search of the new identity her destiny has thrust upon her. After the brief spell of excitement, she regains her composure. She is

The Three Most Important Parts of .NET Platform Essay Example for Free

The Three Most Important Parts of .NET Platform Essay â€Å"The . NET Framework is an integral Windows component that supports building and running the next generation of applications and XML Web services. † (MSDN) The objectives of the . NET framework include providing a consistent environment for local and remote execution, minimizing deployment and versioning conflicts, ensuring consistent performance across Windows and Web based applications, and promoting industry standard code that easily integrates with any other code. The three key parts in the . NET framework that make these possible are: ? Common Language Runtime ? Base Class Library ? Assemblies Parts of the . NET Framework Common Language Runtime The Common Language Runtime (CLR) manages systems services such as memory management, code execution, compilation, and code safety verification. The CLR is at the heart of interoperability by providing a common environment for different codes to run. â€Å"The incorporation of ‘language’ features into a common language runtime, rather than a particular language, allows languages to freely interoperate within the overall . NET platform. † (Sessions) The CLR provides a secure and robust environment for execution, multi-language support, simplified development and deployment. To provide the required functionality, the CLR provides cross-language integration, cross-language exception handling, support for different versions, deployment support, and debugging and profiling services. (MSDN) One of the major strides that has been made with the introduction of the . NET platform is the feature of language independence. This means that any . NET-enabled language can be used to create code, and can be integrated with other parts of the program. This functionality is achieved by . NET through the use of an Intermediate Language into which all source codes are converted to provide a common basis for execution. The CLR employs a Just-In-Time compilation (JIT) process that includes only those parts of the code that are required at runtime to be compiled. The JIT includes a feature of caching that allows it to re-use code that is used more than once within a program, making the process faster and more efficient. (Evjen et al. 8) The CLR uses metadata that keeps track of the types, members and references within the code. All common runtime executable versions contain the metadata, which tells the program where to look for classes and helps if to manage memory, enforce security and generate native code. The CLR makes it possible to share classes and methods across languages, using a common type system that is defined during runtime. (Evjen et al. 9) The metadata enables the code to run as â€Å"managed code†, which runs under the CLR following the rules set by it. This ensures that the services mentioned earlier such as code-access security, lifetime control of objects and memory management, and cross-language integration of code can be provided by the CLR. From the above it can be seen that the Common Language Runtime is basic to some of the major breakthroughs in the . NET environment, and is therefore, a very important part of it. Base Class Library The second major part of the . NET framework is the Base Class Library. The Base Class Library contains classes and types that expedite the development process, as well as allow the sharing of these, to provide easy and common means for accessing system functionality, and execute common tasks. The . NET types conform to Common Language Specifications that apply to all . NET enabled languages. This makes it possible to write code in any of these languages using these types. This represents one of the major contributions to interoperability between languages, which is at the heart of the . NET approach. Thus Base Class Library forms the second most important part of the . NET framework. The . NET framework provides a number of abstract and concrete classes that make it possible to write powerful programs in any one or a combination of the supported languages. The framework also provides a rich repertoire of interfaces. The rich functionality provided by the interfaces can be used by either using an existing class that implements these interfaces and by deriving a user defined class from them, or can be implemented by creating a class that implements these interfaces. The . NET applications, controls and components depend on the type definition, which is one of the constituents of the Base Class Libraries. This enables the framework to handle various functions such as encapsulating data structures, perform I/O and invoke security checks. (MSDN) From the above it can be seen that much of the functionality of the . NET framework is derived from, and is dependent on, the Base Class Libraries. Assemblies As we have seen, the Common Language Runtime and the Base Class Libraries represent the bases on which the crucial and differentiating features of the . NET framework are built. These provide a common framework for developing the application. The next most important aspect of an application is to run it. This is facilitated by Assemblies. â€Å"Assemblies are the building blocks of . NET Framework applications; they form the fundamental unit of deployment, version control, reuse, activation scoping, and security permissions. † (MSDN). The Assemblies contain resources and types that are required at runtime. The Common Language runtime is possible because of Assemblies, because they provide vital information that makes the runtime application aware of the types and other resources used. This makes it possible to run an integrated application that contains diverse codes written in a variety of CLR-enabled languages. The Assembly contains code that the common language runtime executes. The Intermediate Language code depends on associated assemblies to be executed. Thus the Assemblies are fundamental to the . NET framework, and allow the parts to function at runtime. For this reason, they represent the third most critical part of the . NET framework. Conclusion The . NET framework is distinguished by its ability to integrate and run code written in a variety of languages, and to operate the system securely and consistently under different environments such as remote and local execution. These features have become possible because of the three essential parts of the framework, namely the Common Language Runtime, Base Class Libraries, and Assemblies. Works Cited 1. Evjen, Bill, et al. Visual Basic . NET Programming Bible. New Delhi: Wiley Dreamtech India (P) Ltd. , 2004. 2. MSDN. 2007. Overview of the . NET Framework. Microsoft Corporation. 22 March 2007. http://msdn2. microsoft. com/en-us/library/a4t23ktk. aspx 3. Sessions, Roger. 28 March 2001. J2EE versus the . NET Platform: Two Visions for E-Business. ObjectWatch, Inc. 22 March 2007. http://www. objectwatch. com/FinalJ2EEandDotNet. doc

Monday, July 22, 2019

Troubleshooting Evco Insurance Network Essay Example for Free

Troubleshooting Evco Insurance Network Essay The network manager himself not keeping track of the growth of the network , coupled with the return of an unspecified number of computers from storage back into the network, are conditions that would encourage the network congestion currently experienced by Evco Insurance. This is further confirmed by the fact that the worst network congestion occurs where the network has experienced the most expansion in the last six months: the Marketing department. Several causes come to mind, with the presentation of the scenario for Evco Insurance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first cause that comes to mind is in regards to the computers pulled out of storage. It is possible that since the computers were pulled out of storage, the configuration of the TCP/IP settings may have conflicted with newer additions to the network. This would affect the computers within the marketing department, since these particular computers were deployed there, and any other computers that share the same settings. This would explain the some of the causes of the network congestion and the solution would be to correct or reconfigure the settings on the affected computers. This is a basic error, however, and would mostly affect only the individual computers that have conflicting settings and would not be the most probable cause, though it may contribute to the congestion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Related to the first possible cause is the possibility that there are hardware errors that were unchecked when the computers were assigned to the new marketing personnel. A particular concern is the network cards of those computers taken from storage. One such error causes the network card to continuously transmit junk data into the network, flooding the network with unnecessary data and slowing down connectivity; in which case even just one such computer can cause the whole network to slow down. Actual settings of network adapters and switch ports may also have conflicting settings. Both these hardware /settings errors can contribute to the network slowdown in the Marketing department, and both can be located using a combination of actually checking each computer and checking how far along the network a command or ping can travel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another possibility, but not the last possible cause, is the actual physical cable connections of the Network. A 100BASE-TX can have up to 100 meters of twisted copper cable per segment length, which must be rated at least category 5. While it is possible that the network itself has been poorly maintained, and that individual cables within the physical network are causing the error, it   may be more likely that there are problems or errors in the physical connections recently added to the network, since the problem of slow connectivity was experienced after the addition to the network. Ranging from poorly-maintained cables, using the wrong category of cables, or even the correct type of cable connected or the incorrect crimping of the cable can lead to network slowdown.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Any of these three, or perhaps none of them, could be the cause for the network slowdown experienced in the Marketing department of Evco Insurance. There could be other reasons for the problem, though these are the three possible causes that immediately came to my mind.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Leadership: A Personal Opinion

Leadership: A Personal Opinion Leadership is everywhere if we see minutely in our society. In my point of view, leadership is about personality and genuineness. It is about winning possession for changing something and improving it than you found it. And when that change functions with responsibility, it gains admiration. Leadership is practised daily in learning institutions, homes and offices. A leader is a person who helps without being asked. I have exposed leadership by helping my brother in his studies or playing with him. Good leadership actions are defined as working with patient within groups, creating roles, replying to feedback in an suitable manner, and discussing with others. During group work, students gain knowledge of personal and social responsibility, feelings of different cultures and personalities, and get an idea of how the character of leadership can influence group efforts. One day I was sitting in my home and thinking about the examples of good leaders, I saw my mom busy in homely activities, I observed her minutely and found her a great leader. I thought that my mom never loses sight of her vision she has for her children-giving a healthy and protected atmosphere where her children can nurture and prosper. Moms can be found busy in diverse household responsibilities, searching down craft supplies for a plan their children only memorized today was required tomorrow, and at the same time as examining this adjacent to managing the demands of structuring their professional life. And yet, in spite of all these different demands for their attention, moms do not forget about their vision. Similarly, in the world of business, there are numerous demands made for the consideration of leaders. Like our mothers have exposed us, however, this shouldn’t take our concentration away from what’s significant or required for the business to expand and flourish. A good leader always shows patience in the making for the desired conclusion. There’s one thing which we all identify about our mothers is that they can show a lot of tolerance with good reason. Upbringing of a child is barely a textbook affair the same as there’s always somewhat unpredicted that will come down and damage the best-laid plans. Occasionally this is a consequence of a child not performing what they’re told; sometimes it can be a child getting sick on the day you have a tight schedule at work. Whatsoever the case, mothers have learned to tackle with these kind of situations as they know that their hard work will recompense in the long run. Similarly the businesses repeatedly concentrating on making and gathering periodical forecasts, it’s effortless to demonstrate less patience or interest in hard work that require more long-term philosophy and management. However, as mothers represent so well through their activities, the best stuffs do come to those who are patient. A good leader motivates their team to be self-reliant. Mothers are also very expert in motivating their children to turn out to be more self-reliant as they grow up. One require to observe at of how mothers work from looking after of their children’s laundry to asking them to tidying their rooms to be pleased about the willingness mothers have to see their children grip the responsibilities they used to do for their kids as they grown-up from small children into young adults. Motherliness is not something one imagines about as being a valuable role to increase some insights into how to guide others agreed that the relation between a mother and her child is totally dissimilar from that among an employer and their employees. And yet, if we seem at this from the standpoint of the life course we find out as children from our moms, we can observe some useful things that can assist us better value of how to move towards the role of leadership in our organizations. Emotional Intelligence is such an important aspect. In our case Emotional Intelligence comes and play a role in our professional life. Where a team leader in a specific project or organization is expected of being productive no matter what he might face difficulties leading his team to success. I think this perception is significant because it describes one of the principal human interactions we experience in our daily life. Regardless of whom you are or what you do, sometime you will have to cooperate with people surrounding you. People have to request for help, work as a team, and guide other people. These responsibilities cant be done without having a knowledge of human emotions. I have to deal with this conception on a daily basis when I interrelate with friends, family, and colleagues. I believe the best way for me to communicate to this concept is contrasting how I connected to people when I was in basic school to today. When I was a kid I found it very tough to talk with older people because I didn’t know how to deal with them. But at present I can talk to anyone I want to and find out what tone I need to have to get their value. Moral Intelligence is such an important aspect to enhancing business/organization performance and leadership success which should be considered from a leader point of view as a critical aspect. At first Emotional intelligence, then Moral Intelligence we studied. According to Lennick and Kiel, both management consultants, define moral intelligence as the ability to differentiate right from wrong as defined by universal principles†. My friend told me about his boss, he said his boss wants to create a gullible workplace; he can get better moral intelligence by mentoring workforce to track his example of human principles. He tells workers to stop making justifications for ignoring deadlines, coming not on time or other activities influencing badly the workplace. He asks that worker should take care of each other with kindness and admiration. He reminds workers that everybody commit mistakes and to be broad-minded of each others deficiency. Flourishing teamwork is made on a basis of trust. Each associate of the team must set up trust; grow trust through his performance and verbal skill, and work to keep it. Each associate also wants to be able to belief his team members to create a promise to the team and its objectives, work expertly with those aims in mind, and talk constantly about any issues that influence the team. A combined and gullible team atmosphere permits team members to share private information and build up a stronger bond with their team members. My football team relied on the teamwork. As we play a match against another team, that opponent team made a goal. Adam started blaming and Cole blamed Adam and as a result we lost the match. We decided to play a match against this team after one month and I explained to both the players that if they cooperate with each other we will be able to win the game. They understood what I said and when the match was played they worked together and made us victorious. In my point of view, ethics has to play a main role in the personality of a leader. One of the arguments to show that situational leadership is not manipulating is to agree to the main goal of the organization. I think a professional team member should understand that being led is not being manipulated as long as it serve the company to be more successful. In other words, If we are in an organization, a professional should not think at any time that he is being manipulated and to measure that is to know how relative is it to the mission statement and vision statement of that organization, a team member has to look at the big picture and not take anything personal, here I have to mention the need of last week subject which was Emotional Intelligence and how it will help to differentiate between the situational leadership vs Manipulation. Consistent to leading to achieve the best and potential plans for the organization. The true example of situational leadership is surgeons in an oper ation theatre. Situational leadership is exercised by surgeons in the operation theatres particularly during dealing with emergency cases and crucial operations. A doctor leading the other doctors in an operation theatre is a specialist in surgeries, but when an urgent situation calls or during the operation problems arise, a surgeon has to make decision instantaneously according to the patients state. The best thing in a situational leader is his skill to bend according to the situation what is happening. In the recent time people started to realize Bullying in the Workplace has been happening for years and years. Anti-Bullying associations existed in the United States as early as the 1990’s which shows us as researchers that there are many workers has been bullied for a long time. According toConstance Dierickx, Ph.D, Workplace bullying is defined as the repeated unethical and unfavorable treatment of one person by another in the workplace. This includes behavior designed to belittle others via humiliation, sarcasm, and rudeness, overworking an employee, threats, and violence. Who is in a leadership position supposed to know and be able to differentiate between bullying, harassment and assault? Harassment and Assault are recognized and resulted from several fairly serious incidents. In many workplaces worker get bullied; in long term jobs, by managers, co-workers or subordinates or even by a client where a good leader should stand on for their workers and not grant the right f or the customer to disrespect the workers. As the research goes, we find even in short term jobs such as the performing arts or construction, where the supervisor has complete power over workers, in both long and short terms jobs workers have been found guilty of either bullying, harassment, discrimination, or assault. We can all agree that it exists in our lives before getting to the workplace, in fact in all starts when we were young and best to remember and prove it, let’s remember our high-schools where we either have been bullying or have been bullied, I actually have been bulled in secondary school and I got a punch in the face and lost a teeth, what was funny is that I still know that person’s friend where he told my friends he is embarrassed to see me after these years, but I am still happy as long as he felt bad and did not keep being argent to admit he was wrong. One of the main reasons that make a person to bully others is to cover their on weak side, in other words a bully would think being mean, disrespectful, or even discriminate with no morals nor mercy would in the workplace or e ven outside. Moreover; a leader should also realize that another important incentive for a worker to bully others is to avoid accepting responsibility for their behaviour andconsequences. Supremacy alters people. We all know the leaders who have come to consider their personal promotion departments. We have observed that leaders were always like that, deep down, or whether triumph has ruined them. Then, we may think why few persons emerge to be corrupted by authority and others remained fine , or what the corrupted women are doing whereas their male corresponding are investigative the staff, concreting their driveways on the firm’s credit card, or handing over profitable work agreements to their acquaintances. According to Professor Serena Chen and her colleagues.people who commence as selfless will carrying on to be so when they attain power, while self-centred people will persistent to be uncooperative and selfish when gained power, Successful people grasp others to a superior criterion. They are more probable to deceive and were less broad-minded to others violating the same rules. According to an Economist article about the work of Joris Lammers at Tilburg University, in the Netherlands, and Adam Galinsky at Northwestern University, in Illinois.According to Dr Jamie Ward, reader in psychology at the University of Sussex. They shatter rules and regulations not only because they can get away with it, but also because they believe at some instinctive level that they are free to get what they desire. This intellect of power is vital to understand why people behave badly in high office, It is greatly easier to mount over people and not taking care of their needs if you can’t recognize with them. At times subordinates can be somewhat responsible for their leaders’ bad conduct, said by Leadership consultant from The Leadership Circle Asia Pacific, Rebekah O’Rourke, and frequently people relinquish their own responsibilities to a higher person, expecting them to have all the replies. Furthermore she said, a few people turn out to be very inactive. The â€Å"subordinates† need to discover ways to provide their leader advice about how they are undertaking. This is, in spirit, supervision . The leader of a company – also needs to begin coaching. They also need to separate their feelings about the leader’s personality from the role. The leader may be a nice person, but if they are behaving inappropriately, someone needs to tell them. In a nut shell, I would like to say for any form or size of industry, successful leadership gives many settlements and will help the organisation to attain success and steadiness. In the deficiency of effective leadership, firms often rise gradually and may misplace their  track and competitiveness. Good quality business leadership can assist a team stay determined during a time of emergency, repeating the team members of their successes and give confidence to them to set short term, attainable goals. A broad and attractive relationship between a leader and their employees shows that they are appreciated as an essential part of the company, creating a feeling of ownership among teammates and beginning a closer position between individual and team objectives. Support of people to explicitly add and talk about new ideas in an optimistic environment, make utilization of their different experience and facts to develop a business. The promise and passion of a business leader forms the general purposes of the company and gives motivation and enthusiasm for people to do at a high level. A planned approach is able to make a plan of action that will most efficiently gather the organisational objectives. A comprehensive planning procedure also gives the chances for people to recognize, add to, appreciate and attain well defined goals. Setting a clear vision and talk to employees efficiently gives workers with an understanding of the organisational trend and permits them to noticeably appreciate their duties and responsibilities. Effective leadership is a vital obligation so as to attain organisational objectives. To do this, leaders should be able to grant inspiration, inspiration and clear route to their team. Leadership growth is very important because organizations hire the character of their leaders. Leadership tuition and expansion can take advantage of output, shape an optimistic culture and promote synchronization. To attain this, key people must direct individuals and teams using a suitable leadership style.